
SmartCafe is constantly updated - here you can see which innovations have been implemented
Article sorting is now also used in SmartOrder
Voucher redemption is treated as a payment method in the cash balance
FIX: Establishing a connection to the web server after returning from suspend mode
FIX: Email sending of receipts/Z-BON
Voucher selection possible when billing via selection list
DATEV Export: Separate accounts for in-house/out-of-home sales can be defined at item level
Internal log rotation
Customer points can no longer be redeemed for deposit
Hide rebooking dialog if no tables are available
Discount function when billing
Order dialog for manual recording of deliveries/collections
FIX: Display problems in the booking dialog when moving table orders
FIX: Canceled voucher bookings on the table and resumption resulted in double voucher balance
FIX: Alignment of display on smartphone when sending receipts via email
FIX: Deleting tables in the Enterprise version
FIX: Guest billing in the Enterprise version
FIX: Opening the cash drawer via ePOS XML printing
FIX: Display of articles in the Enterprise version when importing
FIX: Cash register display settings dialog could no longer be accessed
FIX: Menu selection groups multiplied (only in connection with the dashboard)
OrderManager devices for mobile order
At the cash balance there is a note that tables are still open
When doing a cash balance, hint that tables are still open. Optional: No cash balance with open tables
Move/Cancel: New feature: Move/cancel all items at once
New language: Spanish
Transfer cash sale orders to table
Larger detection area for back button
Group editing option for articles
Printer dialog speeds up
Shrinkage can also be recorded without inventory
Restore data backup: Optionally file by file and not by record
DATEV export: In the article, the booking account and BU key can now also be specified for the reduced VAT rate
FIX: Stock levels in the Enterprise version may be displayed incorrectly
FIX: Keyboard/barcode scanner on Android
FIX: Improved printouts via bluetooth on Android
FIX: Delete all product groups and articles
Dashboard: In the receipt details, the time was in UTC format
Export of cash balances as CSV
Cancel option for receipt options (popup)
New user policy: View cash statements
New User Policy: Only show receipts since the last checkout statement
A pickup number or order number can be printed on the receipt/kitchen receipt
Order number will be printed larger on receipt
Order number is assigned randomly, no longer sequentially
Voucher selection is now sorted
Receipt list export as PDF
Acknowledgment beep when entering a PLU in sales
FIBU Export: CSV of all sales with positions
FIX: Voucher protocol was incorrect in the Enterprise version
FIX: When canceling using the +/- button, the display may not have been updated on other devices in the Enterprise version
FIX: There may have been problems using barcode scanners on Android
Dashboard: Display of sales and open items
Dashboard: Extension of the receipt overview with VAT.
Advanced connection reconnect for EPSON-TSE
FIX: Resume receipt
FIX: Temporary customers were not deleted
FIX: Suborders were not shown in the position total on the cash register display
FIX: Zero receipt creation with activated receipt signature (AT)
FIX: Under certain circumstances, the email settings were not saved in Enterprise Server
FIX: Android: Report receipts for customers could not be printed on Android
FIX: Android: Controlling USB printers in Android 12
Remain in the table dialog after splitting
Z-BON: Show deposit optionally
Added touch numeric keypad in split dialog
Print the remaining credit for vouchers on the receipt
Optional automatic TSE export and backup for cash accounting
Discount was not displayed as a total in the individual item
New protocol: Receipts for customers
Cash book for any period
FIX: Resumption of orders at the table
FIX: Discount on buttons not updated correctly
FIX: DATEV export window scrollable
FIX: Variants were sporadically not displayed in the booking dialog
Time selection for reports
X-report over any period
Optimization for cash register display in the dashboard
Receipt printing, optionally also item prices
Customer display VCT via ToolsServer
Favorites can be optionally hidden
Inventory list: Purchase price is also displayed
Cancellation: Cash drawer is only opened when cash is returned
Deposit/withdrawal reasons: No tax rate for private deposits/withdrawals
Log / report on SW updates
Shrinkage/spoilage optionally only items from sale selectable
Receipt overview: payment types are displayed in the overview (desktop)
Optionally do not print a kitchen receipt when ordering
Standard icon for product groups without a product group icon
FIX: User rights for ToolsServer during installation
DATEV export optionally possible without using an interim account
FIX: Cash settlement also possible without new receipts
FIX: Menu selection groups could not be removed (Enterprise)
FIX: Report about sales with activated RKSV (Austria) might lead to a crash
FIX: Installing the app on Android 12
Restoring databases (Enterprise) from backup in SingleUserMode
FIX: Tables with open bookings could be deleted and renamed
FIX: There was a crash when calculating cash balances
View selection: deposit current view with color (button)
"Reuse" vouchers: Enter existing code when selling vouchers -> book this voucher (upon request)
Reprint vouchers
In the case of partial payments, the remaining amount is now set automatically
Revenue by user in the X and Z reports. In the case of X reports for employees, only the employee turnover is displayed
In the payment dialog, the amount can be entered using the keyboard
ENTER when entering a PLU without specifying a PLU -> start the payment process
Cash payment can optionally be deactivated
Cash accounting in the Enterprise version checks whether there are new receipts and, if in doubt, prevents the cash accounting
PLU entry via keyboard also possible with letters
Cancel with - also possible for orders that have already been received
Extra text for receipt with payment method "Invoice"
FIX: On Android Phone, clicking + in the order list triggered the order twice
Deposit/Withdrawal report sorted by reason with subtotal
RKSV signature unit chip card reader
FIX: Menu ingredients were not saved since last update
Copy articles
Comments on the article can be optionally printed out
Report: Sales by user, added total row
Tip function
FIX: TSE license verification
Multi-line footer text on receipt possible
Book menus without selection, by long-pressing on items, selection items can be booked (optional)
LongPress on + Sell Behind Article: PopUp for Total
View statistics user right: Display in the dashboard further restricted
Swissbit -> when using the tools server, a drive change is automatically detected
Standard ledger accounts SKR03 and SKR04
FIX: Dark mode: buttons hard to read
FIX: Admin User could be set as Training User
FIX: Feed at end of print and line spacing and receipt options are not saved
FIX: Checkboxes: Scrollviews jump back to the top of the page
FIX: DATEV export for deposit items
Kitchen receipt can be printed several times
Z-BON can be sent by email
Guest option: Temporary guests can optionally be created
Vouchers can be edited and imported
Opening the cash drawer can optionally be deactivated
KassenSichV implemented for Austria
FIX: Minor bug fixes
Various GUI optimizations
Cash drawer now opens before displaying the optional summary
FIX: Newly created variants could not be deleted immediately
FIX: Under certain circumstances, the time selection in the reports was not displayed correctly on Android Phone
FIX: Newly created product groups could not be selected immediately as a parent product group
FIX: After activating the guest selection, a restart was necessary to activate the option
Version 2.9.112
Backup also backs up local settings
Integrated SmartCafe Cloud for sales display and backups
Backup in SmartCafe Cloud possible
Design changes
Gift card managemen
Fiskaly online TSE support
EPSON-TSE: Host change support
FIX: TSE export with large amount of data caused timeout
FIX: Comment on kitchen print was not printed in large font
FIX: Customer display for menus with sub-orders
Version 2.9.100
The table is specified in the cancellation voucher for the kitchen
Kitchen printouts for menus are accumulated
Identical menus are now combined directly
Start-Wizard: Selection of the design, choice of restaurant or retail for demo database
Inventory is now also checked for sub-items when posting
Automatic ordering process for menus with only one item in the selection group
Loyalty points function with customer management
FIX: In the master data log, for the entry product group: "Show in SmartOrder", value was swapped
FIX: TSE: Under certain circumstances, unnecessary transactions were started
FIX: It was not possible to cancel the EC card payment
FIX: In menus, the sub-items were not updated when booking with the + symbol
FIX: Entering prices for menu items resulted in an error
FIX: DSFinV-K-Export: datapayment.csv -> Change was not deducted from the cash amount
FIX: When canceling menus, the number of sub-items was incorrectly calculated
FIX: Sometimes there was a crash in different dialogs (cross-thread process)
FIX: Menus can no longer be created without a selection group
FIX: Settings in the view dialog were partially only adopted after a restart
FIX: Prices for menus were displayed incorrectly in the item lot
FIX: Overwriting of article variants when importing articles
FIX: Articles cannot be created without a product group
Version 2.9.92
FIX: Problems with controlling the TFT display if it was deactivated again after activation
FIX: Card payments via ZVT protocol led to a crash of the software under certain circumstances
Version 2.9.91
The comment and discount of an order are now displayed in the order list
Icons for settings and statistics dialogs
Accounting: The missing amount is now displayed in red. Increased font size.
Optionally, the article descriptions for certain articles in sales can be edited
The order list is now automatically scrolled to the bottom
ON-screen keyboard for cash accounting
External POS display can now be connected via USB (Android only)
Graphical table view can now also be selected on smartphones
Suppliers, order numbers and purchase prices can be stored on the article
View type (phone, tablet or desktop) can now be forced in the options
Ability to delete all articles at once
FIX: Hidden product groups were shown in the alternative view, even if they were hidden for sale
FIX: Printer selection printer ESC / POS USB was not closed when the printer was selected.
FIX: Dark style improvements
FIX: Control of the 2nd screen under Android
FIX: With ESC / POS printer now send data via internal buffer
Version 2.9.87
TFT customer display: Advertising images can be integrated with a slideshow
Print receipt can be hidden via user guidelines
New TSE: EPSON TSE (printer) and USB stick / sd card
New function: Employee time and attendance
Menu can be converted into an article
Android USB printer receipt printers
SmartOrder: Changed pick-up times must optionally be confirmed again by the customer
New user right: Print receipt cannot be changed
New view for the booking dialog (optional)
Print entertainment cost section and table receipt in the accounting dialog can be hidden
FIX: Receipt list was possibly not displayed correctly
FIX: Acknowledgment options dialog was not displayed correctly on small screens
FIX: Product group properties could not be fully displayed on small screens
FIX: Moving a table on touch screens under Windows
FIX: Double bookings when placing an order if the touch screen bounces
FIX: Windows rights for ToolsServer se
Version 2.9.82
Feed optimized for printout of receipts
FIX: Possible bug in the interaction of TSE, cash sales and training fixed
FIX: Product group icons under Windows
Version 2.9.81
Design change for SmartOrder payment settings, receipt dialog
Cancellation of receipts: You can now select the payment type of reimbursement for receipts that have been paid not in cash
Quick renaming of tables possible in the sales dialog
DATEV Export: Cost center, consultant and client can be specified during the export. Document field expanded with comments or receipt address
2nd TFT display under Android can be used as a customer display
Swissbit TSE: update to version 5.8.1
SmartOrder: If the delivery date changes, a new confirmation from the customer can optionally be requested
FIX: Error when importing databases on SmartCafe Professional into SmartCafe Enterprise
FIX: Cancellation receipts for non-cash receipts could sometimes lead to incorrect cash balances
FIX: You can only rename tables that have not been booked
FIX: Articles may have been included multiple times in cash sales
Version 2.9.80
Article can only be created with a product group
Update to Swissbit TSE-API v5.7.6
FIX: Under Android, some TSE data might not be printed out on the receipt
FIX: Discount groups when editing the price were not completely displayed
FIX: SmartOrder: Product groups were only syncronized with articles
Version 2.9.79
SmartCafe Tools Server: Can be started as a normal user. Supports Swissbit TSE
FIX: Problems with cross-thread access may occur on Android
Version 2.9.78
SmartOrder: Pickup and delivery times can be selected individually for the next 7 days
SmartOrder: Quantities for menues
SmartOrder: Now available in SmartCafe Enterprise Server
Users in an admin group can reset the passwords of other users without entering the old user password
+/- function also for articles with price entry and menus
Z-BON: Printout includes tax number, target difference, start and end cash balance
Order process: the order list is automatically scrolled down on the mobile phone when new items are added
FIX: Menu selection of side dishes could not be ended without a minimum quantity
FIX: Positioning when moving tables under Windows was inaccurate
FIX: Receipt view had display problems under Windows
FIX: Tables were displayed incorrectly when switching between different views
FIX: Printout of changes to SmartOrder orders on the kitchen printer
FIX: Interim report
FIX: Table display in the list view when items have been transferred
FIX: Display of the article dialog on small screen resolutions
Version 2.9.73
FIX: User rights were not applied after a new login on sales dialog
FIX: Multiline footer was not correctly formated
FIX: Exception while creating QR-Codes in Windows
Version 2.9.72
Automatic scaling of large images for SmartOrder
Improved billing performance
+/- button behind ordered items
Phone: Long press on - button cancels entire order
Convert article to menu
Support of SUNMI printers
Additional paper feed when cutting on receipt printer
Payment method PayPal for SmartOrder directly via the restaurant PayPal account
Minor bug fixes and improvements
FIX: Button color / size for menus
FIX: Enterprise version, cancellation of cash sales showed orders from other devices
FIX: When selling variants, they might have been charged twice when invoicing
Version 2.9.70
Sending receipts by e-mail
SmartOrder order form with price for inserts
Sortable tables
Receipt options in the billing dialog can now be displayed in a popup instead of directly in the dialog
FIX: Article overview page in the design "dark"
Version 2.9.23
Article lists can be created
Possibility to provide an address before booking (delivery service)
Version 2.9.22
The desktop view can now be selected on tablet devices
Extended settings for ESC/POS printers
Extended formatting options for receipt printing
Version 2.9.21
FIX: No deposit could be returned on tablets and smartphones
FIX: Deposit return in training mode
FIX: Deposit return in Enterprise version
Version 2.9.19
FIX: Company data could not be saved (only Enterprise App)
Version 2.9.18
Import and export of articles
Improved synchronization between enterprise devices
When course selection is activated, course two is now always selected as standard
Partially incorrect summary of articles with comments
Overlapping display when billing on smartphones if "Specify prices without tax" was activated
Empty entries in the master data log (articles, variants) are no longer created
Checked age was not reset in cash sales after settlement
Article variants are now printed on separate kitchen notes (optional)